Ramblings of a Passionate American – America united!

I spend a large majority of my week in a four-walled office with no view to the outside world, and I often think this is what  it is like to be a blindfolded American Citizen that takes every persons word that walks into his or her four-walled world. To me a person that lives in a world where others words ballast their own opinion never truly understands the implications of their mis-appropriated action. The persons I describe live a life that is just a conversation away from being scattered in a new direction as they seek no additional consensus on facts-and vote with this mentality! Misguided and ill informed voting is one of the creators of this out-of-control, two-party political struggle we see today where Politicians muster financial backing in the billions and then use content-based marketing which is defined as “a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable action” These tactics are to get “four-walled” Americans to do their bidding because they only listen to what they are told to – just call it brainwashing.

Information today is at our finger tips every second of the day-for those that have embraced the smart phone-but yet we do not use this multiplexing, dynamic tool to encumber ourselves with relevant information on issues that alter the very direction of the American Vessel, which i describe as; America being driven by poorly equipped, highly rich Captains that have no understanding of proper use of a Compass ( or Ethics)!

We scream that our Politicians are corrupt but do not fully understand they are lawfully able to be corrupt as they just have to link contributions to a political agenda and place the funds in the hands of a Political Action Committee(PAC) and disperse the funds as necessary from this account that is lawfully able to do such a thing. This is not corruption it is sponsorship at its finest!

The President of the United States recently stated “we deserve better”-I say we got we voted for; a dysfunctional collective of party-focused Politicians to afraid to act because large contributors may pull their monies for lack of reputable action towards their cause. A group of politicians that speak about the Constitutionality of an action, but have no real understanding of what the Constitution is or the proper application of it!

American Citizens are the corrective tool for this Nation I whole-heartedly believe this! We have the power to dictate who sits in the seat with our votes and free willed research on topics that we find important. The passion of the consensus will be the attributor to this Nation’s recovery as we are willed to be just that – Proud Americans!

Our Voice. Our Action, OUR NATION.

About atoole

I am a Collegiate Business Management degree holder and a professional Financial Sales consultant gone Mortgage Administrator, and prior to trying to make an impact in the finance world I was a Marine Corps Infantryman serving Our Nation in protection against Terrorism in Operation Iraqi Freedom( which seems to have inflated into a greater issue). The greatest years of my life were in service to America, and to see this nation in its current state causes me great moral distress! This is why I started this blog - to seek my own perspective on bipartisan politics, because it is a deteriorating prospective both in politics and media. So I hope to dig deep to find my own opinion with the aid of raw data and statistics! I also created this blog to boast about my passion for America, so I hope that you enjoy the content and comment as you see fit. My tag line is: “Our Voice. Our Action. Our Nation” As we are the only beings that have the ability to promote change in America through treacherous self exploration of facts and opinion and I will respect any voice as long as it contends validity and passion. View all posts by atoole

8 responses to “Ramblings of a Passionate American – America united!

  • joyceford

    I mostly agree…but you give no solution to the education of the masses that do vote with no information. Are they stupid, lazy, ignorant or all of the above????

    • atoole

      Joyce. The solution is PASSION in America and finding something that ignites it! Information is powerful when it is properly sourced and Americans that have long sought single sourced opinions must look to other sources to get a bipartisan look at what they find is their personal opinion. As far as the Lazy aspect…I would say Americans have become complacent in the Political stage and think that others will correct the problems while they look at People Magazine.

      TO right the way we must ignite passion-able pursuits of freedom and happiness.

      • atoole

        If a person truly has passion behind their actions then they will have all the relevant information to vote according to what they researched. If a person made decisions like they do a fantasy football lineup imagine how powerful that person would be at the polls! America cannot be changed overnight but through a once again United Nation that has the information to absolute their beliefs. What we are seeing today is a plan to divide the Nation into inoperable action that leaves the wrong people in charge. This is my opinion on the matter I am not trying to inflect a opinion on you.

      • joyceford

        Passion is an emotion. Emotion comes from the desire within to effect a change, make something, better, or deeply show others what we’re all about. I share your passion for America, The Constitution, and Ethics in Good Governance. I truly believe that a whole segment of our society has not been taught why our country is so great. The can not share the passion without a base of knowledge and an understanding of values from our Judeo-Christian heritage. Perhaps the melting pot of America has too many cooks and the broth has been tainted!

      • atoole

        It is something that you and I can change if we can stir the pot a little and invoke change in Passion for our sovereignty and grow others around us with pursuable action of voice! This is Our Beautiful Country and the flame has to be reignited!

  • benandhisidiosyncracies

    Although I am not American, nor am I eligible to vote (because of age, I’m not a criminal), I am able to empathise with you! Even without having a deep understanding of politics in the UK, I still feel alienated by our political system and the parties that constitute it!
    I am trying to develop a better understanding of politics in the UK for my blog:
    I would be grateful if you could check it out and offer some honest feedback, because you have set up what I would like my blog to be – well written articles highlighting key deficiencies and problems in politics and surrounding issues.
    Don’t worry, I won’t plagiarise: we are operating in different continents!

  • Christopher Lee Fields

    I see this stuff everyday and i couldn’t agree with you more. What gets me is the truth is out there for us to see but we would rather let the News and Social Media tell us what we should hear. Our politicians are giant bill boards and our founding fathers are probably rolling over in there graves. There will come a time where the Dems and the Repub will fall just like the Federalist and the many other political parties that came before them. I just wish it would happen sooner than later.

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